Understanding the Differences: SLA & OLA, Underpinning Contract, and more

When it comes to contracts and agreements, it’s important to know the difference between various terms and formats. In the realm of service management, three key concepts often come up: Service Level Agreement (SLA), Operational Level Agreement (OLA), and Underpinning Contract. Let’s explore each one to gain a better understanding.


The difference between SLA & OLA lies in their scope and purpose within an organization. SLA, as the name suggests, focuses on the level of service provided to customers or users. It outlines the performance metrics and targets that need to be met. On the other hand, OLA pertains to the agreements made between different internal support groups in an organization to ensure timely delivery of services and coordination.

Underpinning Contract

An underpinning contract is a legally binding agreement between a service provider and a third-party vendor or supplier. This contract defines the terms, conditions, and expectations of the relationship between the parties involved. It often covers aspects such as service delivery, performance, and pricing.

Now, let’s take a look at some specific examples of agreements related to different industries and fields:

  • AUPE Collective Agreement – This agreement is specific to the University of Lethbridge and outlines the terms and conditions of employment for members of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.
  • FDOT License Agreement – This agreement pertains to licensing requirements for the Florida Department of Transportation and regulates the use of its intellectual property and assets.
  • International Student Recruitment Agent Agreement – This agreement is common in the education sector and governs the relationship between educational institutions and recruitment agents who help in attracting international students.
  • Border Patrol Bargaining Agreement – This agreement is specific to the US Border Patrol and outlines the terms and conditions of employment for its agents.
  • The Four Agreements 48 Card Deck – This unique agreement refers to a deck of cards based on the popular book “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, which offers insights and wisdom for personal growth and transformation.
  • Data Processing Agreement with Facebook – This agreement is relevant for businesses or individuals who process personal data through Facebook’s platforms and services. It outlines the responsibilities and obligations regarding data protection and privacy.
  • Sales Contract Terms – These terms vary depending on the nature of the sales agreement, but generally cover aspects such as pricing, delivery, warranties, and payment terms.
  • Conditional Delivery Agreement in Texas – This agreement is relevant for situations where the delivery of goods or services is contingent upon certain conditions or requirements being met.

Understanding these different agreements is crucial for both businesses and individuals involved in various industries. By knowing the specifics of each agreement, one can navigate contractual relationships more effectively and ensure that all parties meet their obligations.